Oct 12, 2016 by Helena Category: Team Blog 0 comments

Textocracy joined Dotforge in Winter 2015.



Textocracy provides an SMS service that allows anyone to send a text message with any simple mobile phone, even a 20 year old Nokia, at any time to provide their comments and feedback to a service or business. That comment is instantly analyzed into a live data dashboard display which can be easily monitored. Comments are also stored and analyzed over time to provide a rich data seam of actionable information which can be reviewed by an organization to inform better service design and delivery and better business decisions.

Textocracy allows the widest range of service users to be heard, ensuring that there is a larger, more representative data set in consultation processes. Textocracy aims to bridge the digital divide that often excludes people on low incomes, with low literacy or limited English, or perhaps surprisingly, young people.
Our company was originally started in a startup weekend sponsored by Future Everything and Digital Catapult, amongst others, who put out a call to action to improve the number and range of citizen voices in public services. The idea won the startup weekend and has been gaining traction and generating revenue for the past year.

We charge a monthly subscription fee which is tiered based on the size of the target audience and the length of time the organization wants to make Textocracy available to their customers. It is an inexpensive rate that also drastically reduces the staff time and resources required to gather customer feedback. We create bespoke packages for larger organizations, including options for additional analysis and reporting.

We also offer a service for events and conferences that charges a daily rate dependent on the size of the target audience and length of time the event runs. There are bespoke packages for optional analysis and outputs.

We have won awards and received support as an early stage startup, and are now a part of Unltd’s Big Venture Challenge seeking a seed round of £150k in order to scale and grow and keep pace with our pipeline.

For more information about how Textocracy can help you with your latest consultation, please visit textocracy.org.

If you would like to learn more about the investment opportunity Textocracy provides, please contact Elizabeth at [email protected], or on 07850117797.

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